The reason why we chose to create a dedicated page to connect with fellow women entrepreneurs is because we immediately strike a bond with them.
Team Imajine has always been a bunch of women, not that we have anything against men, gender has never been a barrier for us.
Every individual in Imajine is a go-getter, Imajine is a family with an unshaken will-power to get better, stay focussed, and serve our clients with the best quality design/code we can churn out.
We were not always a clear minded confident bunch. Our generous service to our clients and openness to learn has brought in some clarity and has been navigating us for the last 10+ years.
We have had the opportunity to brand and build websites for women in the age group of 20-60 from across the globe, they have all been warm and just like us, they too are all figuring out what else could they do to get better and reduce the number of mistakes.
Some have complete clarity and some don’t, some are organised and some not, some are start-ups and some SMEs, the younger lot have lot more responsibilities at home front and the older, little unsure on how all this website business works. We keep all of this into consideration, as we too are in the same boat. We provide extra support so that there is one less thing to worry about.
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