Making of 10xDS logo

Branding, WordPress website development for an RPA firm by Imajine web solutions

Building a brand identity
for a start-up multi-national company

Working with co-founders of 10xDS on their start-up business brand identity/logo design project was extremely interesting as we were working/interacting with people coming from varied background, such as Accounting, Sales, HR and Technology. Each one of them had very different ideas and brand perspective, which made the project all the more interesting.


We don’t just design,
we observe, absorb and create uber brand

Our objective was to understand the collective interest/perspective the 10xDS co-founders shared towards their business brand and create a logo that will always stay close to their heart.

Trust me, it was a fun ride; and we were high on creative juice, alert, patient and present.

Logo design sketches

The sketches you see above was created during the blooming stages,
so definitely there was a lot of work that had happened prior to this,
had created many logos for them.

When we presented our first set of logo options,
the feedback we received were so diverse.
Some preferred bright colours and some monotone,
some wanted simple and some preferred a lot of elements.

And they were discovering themselves/each other.

Being patient and providing them with many options only helped us understand each co-founder’s views, played around with these views and we managed to got the venn diagram right :-).


Impactful logo concept for start-up corporate brand

And the final logo that bloomed through this process of careful artwork is special. Special and close to all our hearts.

Logo is never created by a designer, logo is created by every member who owns it. Logo vibrates owner’s attitude, owner’s energy. We as designers are just tools and you as entrepreneurs create your logo through us.

So what is your attitude? and what do you want your logo to convey?

Write to us or mail us your enquiry, Imajine is always here to carve an impactful brand identity and a strong digital web presence for your company/organisation/business.