Make over of SAM4SCHOOL web application

SAM4SCHOOL is a web application developed in VB.NET. When Gregg approached us, the site looked ancient. Not just the look and feel, also the code was mostly auto generated hence required a lot of clean up. Understanding the site structure was also very tricky.

We were not sure how this project would proceed. Our job was to design interface and develop HTML pages. We were really concerned about the implementation part; how will the developer implement our html into the old site? How can we make it most friendly? Should we take code of the developed ancient site and work on that?.. or visa versa? Which will be more helpful? Huh So many questions.

We did a certain amount of planning before taking our very first step; design.

Job assigned to us was done; designed interface and developed the html pages. Gregg was happy, and it was time to sign-off.

Meanwhile Gregg was on a look out for a new VB.NET developer to proceed with this project. He hadn’t found anyone and was also concerned. So we, super excited beings decided to give implementation a shot too. Gregg was happy with our decision and by now we were a good team, there was a good amount of transparency and trust between us.

Pulled up our sleeves, rubbed our hands and got on to mucking.

Our concern was that we had not touched ASP.NET in many years, and if anything breaks will we be able to fix it? Blah.. blah.. Yes again project went through some amount of planning. All through the project, we lived in questions, which opened a lot of possibilities to improve the work quality and complete the project without breaking any VB.NET code.

And the project completed successfully. Gregg is happy and so are we.

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