Embedding audio files in WordPress website

I was developing a WordPress website and our client wanted to include audio testimonials. I started looking for WordPress plugin as usual and realised WordPress already has an option to include/embed audio (MP3) files. How does it get better than that?

How to implement/embed audio player/gallery in WordPress website with no plugin involved?

You can add audio file to media library and embed to the website. WordPress makes use of HTML5 to embed audio and it is compatible with all the popular browsers and devices. Let’s do it step by step.

  1. Go to the post/page where you plan to embed the audio file and click on edit.
  2. Position your cursor and click on Add Media -> upload files (You can upload all the audio files).
  3. Click on create playlist on the left side
  4. Select the files and insert into the post/page.
  5. Update the post/page
    Imajine creates websites for musicians, websites for online learning management and consultants

You have successfully embedded an audio player to your WordPress website 😊
Audio/Video file formats that can be embed in WordPress include – .mp3, .m4a, .ogg, or .wav.

Please Note: You can follow the above mentioned steps to include video player too.

WordPress audio embedding feature is very useful to:

  1. A musician who wants to add some of his/her music work (Video/Audio) in their web page or blog
  2. Client audio testimonial
  3. Audio instructions in online learning management system
  4. Audio interviews playlist/gallery for bloggers
  5. A consultant who wants to share his/her audio sessions/seminars/talk
  6. For story tellers, audio recordings of the story makes such a lot of difference



By Jayanthi Varma

Jayanthi is Imajine's Co-Founder, Designer and Developer. Jayanthi is in the field of website design and web app development since 2003. Jayanthi is also a certified User Centered Analyst.