A couple of days after I posted – “Why have a website?” and “How will it brand and build you”, received this mail from Shazia (our client), Which said: “Jayanthi, can you share your portfolio. want to share it with somebody here”.
Wow! Happiness! our client is promoting us.
And another very interesting fact hit me here is – “OMG! Shazia has never visited our portfolio”, she was a referral client and just gave us work after our very first telephonic conversation. Wow! How can life get better than this?
So all I want to say is, when you work with all your heart for a client, their references may or may not visit your site. Make sense right, your work reflects you, brands you and speaks for you.
Yes there are also situations, when we have clients with completely different thought process and working with them may not be easy. Well that is a different story, and not meant for today.
Coming back to today’s topic. Probably you should ask yourself a couple of questions before concluding on what to do. Like; Should I only focus on my work? Should I have a website? Or should I have both?
Imajine Logo Portfolio
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Looking for Professional, Corporate, Unique logo for your Business?
Reach out to us at reachout[@]imajineweb.com and we would love to work with you on your logo design projects / even create your business website 🙂
And if you wish to view our portfolio, click here.