You can create a lot of good leads if you are open to play around with google adwords.
Google adwords is not rocket science but definitely requires a lot of attentive mind.
Before diving into posting google ads, please spend sufficient time to understand your competitors. Make a good note on what kind of services you wish to promote. Make note on all the keywords that come along your services.
Define your geography. Defining your geography is very essential. This will avoid unnecessary loss of cash.
So, understand the geography you choose to tap into. Understand what kind of people you can expect there. Understand their interests.
When you bid for your keywords, start with low amount. There are high chances of doing well with low bid too.
Create landing page for each of your ads. Landing page should be designed just of that ad.
Provide relevant information about all that you do towards that service. Share some portfolio if possible. And also include an enquiry form along with contact information.
Monitor, monitor and monitor
Make sure to monitor your ads every single day. This is very essential. This will give you clarity on everything like – are potential customers clicking on your ads? If not, how can you change your ad or ad keywords? If the ad is not bringing right people, immediately put that ad on hold before more money is lost and create a different ad for different service. Try to attract customers from there.
Google Adwords demands a lot of attention and care. Be generous and give it. In return, you will definitely get a good number of potential leads.
One thing is for sure, you should spend atleast 2 hours each day on this to make sure you are on right path and how to make your ad better and if there is anything else that is possible.